James Brian Kerr
Author & Blogger
Other Stuff From Me
Thank you for your interest in my writing!
In addition to my blog Peaceable Man, my articles and essays regularly appear in HumbleDollar, MarketWatch, Elephant Journal, and Medium. My fiction and poetry have appeared in the Sewanee Review, Red River River, Tiny Seed Journal, The Poet, and other literary journals.
My debut non-fiction book, The Long Walk Home: How I Lost My Job as a Corporate Remora Fish and Rediscovered My Life's Purpose (April 2022), is available on Amazon, BarnesandNoble.com, Kobo, and directly from the publisher's website https://blydynsquarebooks.com/
Recent Fiction & Poetry
"Easter Sunday" (poem), published in The Poet Magazinet's Forest Anthology, December 2021 https://www.blurb.com/b/10901898-anthology-forest. Read the poem https://www.peaceableman.com/post/easter-sunday-a-new-poem
"Let Me Sit in the Woods" (poem), published in Short Story Town, July 2021. https://www.shortstorytown.com/ (scroll down to 7-7-21)
"August," "Summer Swallows," and "Tabula Rasa" (poems), published in Winter 2020 "Childhood" edition, Vol. 1, of The Poet Magazine. https://www.thepoetmagazine.org/winter-2020---childhood. Read the poems https://www.peaceableman.com/post/new-poems-summer-swallows-august-tabula-rasa
"Ignore That Gut," HumbleDollar https://humbledollar.com/2022/04/ignore-that-gut/
""Look Before Leaping," Humble Dollar. https://humbledollar.com/2022/04/look-before-leaping/
Also appeared in MarketWatch, "6 Things to Know Before You Jump Into Retirement," https://www.marketwatch.com/story/6-things-to-know-before-you-jump-into-retirement-11651693892
"Only An Eight," HumbleDollar https://humbledollar.com/2022/03/only-an-eight/
"Listen to the Kids," HumbleDollar https://humbledollar.com/2022/01/listen-to-the-kids/
"Fit to Retire," HumbleDollar https://humbledollar.com/2021/12/fit-to-retire/
"Challenging Myself," HumbleDollar https://humbledollar.com/2021/11/challenging-myself/
"Reclaiming My Life," Humble Dollar https://humbledollar.com/2021/09/reclaiming-my-life/